Friday, September 04, 2009

Briscoe Blogs!

Ms Woznick, the librarian at Briscoe, has started a blog of her own. You can find it here. I look forward to reading it! And someday I will begin keeping up with this blog! If I could only remember to just post what I have recently read. And yet, I don't. Let's see...

I am nearly done with Ten Cents a Dance, by Christine Fletcher. It is a book about a teenage girl working as a taxi dancer at the start of world war two . Taxi dancers worked in dance halls and would dance with anyone who would provide a 10 cent ticket. In the strict Roman Catholic neighborhood where Ruby, the protagonist, lives this is about a half a step up from being a prostitute. It is a teriffic book, but pretty consistantly sad. Fascinating though.

I just finished I'll Have What She's Having by Daniel M. Kimmel, a book about romantic comedy films. It had the stories behind When Harry Met Sally, Love Actually, It Happened One Night and other films I love. The writing is a little stiff, but the background stories are really interesting. I plan to be watching rom-coms all weekend in a frenzy inspired by the book. First up: Trouble in Paradise - which I had not heard of before.

Next up book-wise are North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley and My Most Excellent Year, by Steve Kluger who wrote Last Days of Summer which I adored! They are both sitting on my dining room table looking nearly irresistable. Must go stop resisting now...

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